W dniach 21-24 lipca 2016 r. miałam wielką przyjemność uczestniczyć w konferencji NIADA* (The National Institute of American Doll Artists) w Alexandrii (Wirginia) jako wizytujący artysta. Prezentowałam swoje lalki i brałam udział w wielu ciekawych zajęciach.Moje lalki bardzo się podobały, budziły pozytywne emocje. Sprawiło mi to dużą satysfakcję.Od artystów NIADA dostałam wiele cennych wskazówek co do dalszej pracy. Jestem pełna wrażeń i zapału.Artystom i patronom NIADA serdecznie dziękuję za cudownie spędzony czas. Dziękuję za nowe przyjaźnie. Do zobaczenia
From July 21st to July 24th 2016 I had a great pleasure to take part in the NIADA* Conference in Alexandria, Wirginia, as a visiting artist. I had an opportunity to present my dolls and to take part in many fascinating activities. My dolls were very well liked – I was told they evoked positive emotions, which I found very rewarding. The NIADA artists also gave me a lot of valuable advice and guidance regarding my further work. I am full of great impressions and renewed enthusiasm! I would like to thank all the NIADA artists and patrons for the wonderful time I had at the conference. Thank you for the new friendships! I hope to see you again
* The National Institute of American Doll Artists (NIADA), is a vibrant, international organization of artists and patrons dedicated to the art of the contemporary doll.Founded by four American artists in 1963 with the purpose of promoting the art of the original handmade doll, NIADA today comprises more than 60 peer-elected artists and supportive patrons who gather annually with visiting dollmakers and doll lovers to learn from each other and to share their work.